Friday, August 28, 2009

Back to School

It's every mother's dream come true....BACK TO SCHOOL!!!
Don't get me wrong, we had a fabulous summer. We enjoyed every beach trip, pool swimming, movie going, friend playing moment together. But when nothing sounds fun anymore - the beach, pool, friends, movie, watching tv in the new playroom - it is time for a routine and schedule! I love staying home with my children and feel so blessed to be able to do so.
Playing all summer was fun but so is the excitement of a new year. I get to relive all the excitement and nervousness again through each of my children.
I am looking forward to spending time with Blake (who is at this moment climbing in my lap and demanding me to color with him). I am also helping at school with the PTO as secretary. I am hoping to go in to help in the classrooms when I can. I also stay busy with meetings and things to do with church. I plan to get my house more organized (drawers, closets, etc.) and catch up on my photos - not just scrapbooking but ordering and organizing photos from the past 1 1/2 years. Anyway, enough about are my kids!!! Jamie
I can't believe it is her last year of elementary school!!! It was only yesterday, it seems, that she was running out to the bus for her first day of Kindergarten (and she was so sad that she could not ride it that day). She has always done well in school and has never cried or complained about going. I imagine that if I were a teacher, she would be the perfect student to have!!!

Madison is in the 2nd grade this year! She is growing in every way. She is such a sweet girl and loves to meet new friends. She gets really excited about boys - especially one little boy on the bus! We have had the "you can't have a boyfriend until 16" talk but she doesn't care. She thinks life is a party and I wish I had that same enthusiasm each day!

Tyler is in 1st grade. Tyler is my "home boy". Really, he is. He loves to stay home. I have to literally force him out of the house when we need to go somewhere. This is not so good when he knows he can't stay home all day because of school. He would be happy to be home schooled! He cried when I woke him up the 1st day of school - yippee. And then he cried getting on the bus on the 2nd day of school. 3rd and 4th days of school have been just fine. He is in the same class as our neighbor friends - Kierlan and Sarah. He has been surrounded his whole life with girls and he doesn't seem to know the difference! AAhhhhh...innocence.

At the beginning of the summer, Blake was one cranky boy trying to figure out what was going on in our house. We had lots of his cousins plus his sisters and brother in our house and it was caos. It was crazy for about 6 weeks before school got out and it didn't seem to slow down! He didn't know what to think I guess. Finally school has started and it's very quiet around the house. Probably too quiet. Now it's just us and Bella. He has to take a nap everyday (which he is doing in the trundle bed!!!) instead of running off to the pool. I think he prefers the routine and schedule too but he sure misses the kids!! Today he started playing with Bella. First I pulled them in the laundry basket....

and then he pushed Bella around the house for a while. Bella was a good sport and didn't even try running away. She thinks it is too quiet around here too!! Somehow, we will manage....