Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Day 3...

I have to make another post and let you know that we had a good day. You know how the first 24 hours is the hardest with a newborn baby? Well, the same goes for a puppy!! We are getting more used to each other.
Bella is getting quite playful. The kids don't know really what to make of this. Sometimes they like it, sometimes, they are scared and hide in the closet!!! I think sometimes they like her crate more than her because a lot of times when I come in the room, they are all taking turns sitting in the crate. Hmmm....
Bella had one accident today. The kids were supposed to be on "Bella Watch" but she was sneaky. She does get credit for the 4 times she has been outside today. It's a lot like potty training a 2 year old. You don't ask them if they have to go, you just watch the clock and take them out A LOT.
Who do you think does the most with our little is Tyler! He loves to walk around holding her and take her out on the leash for a walk. He is really good with her.
Tomorrow is Grooming Day so I'll post pictures of our little cutie!