Sunday, August 9, 2009

Welcome to our Family!

Today we surprised the kids and got a family pet - a shih poo dog. We got her from a friend of a friend. She seems to be very mild tempered, a little shy (who wouldn't be in this zoo?), snuggly and sweet. We are going to have her groomed this week but her previous owner had her shaved. We just want a little trim on the ears and feet and to get her nice and sparkly clean. I have been reading a lot about this particular breed of dog. They are hypo-allergenic and naturally clean. Smart and easy to train. They have real hair and not fur so they don't shed. yeah!!!

The kids really like her. Blake is getting used to her. He cried at first when she even looked at him. Tyler keeps calling her "shih poo" and forgetting we named her Bella.

The kids took her out front to play (out back is where we are trying to house train her). We are trying to get her used to the leash. She played and ran with the kids. They loved that!

Run Bella Run!

Then we all came in and "she pooed" all over the new rug. Sigh.....why did we get a puppy after just getting new carpet and a rug?? Oh's all about the life experiences we enjoy. And although we don't like cleaning up the poo, we will have fun sharing our love with little Bella. And by the way, Josh cleaned up the mess!!!! Thanks Sweetie!!
Wish us luck in our new doggy adventures and especially house training!!!!


Nessa and Jeebs said...

good luck house training- it stinks. literally ;) our vet told us to put our puppy in his crate anytime he wasn't being held or taken outside to help him learn to go only outside because they won't go in their crate. didn't work for us, but just a tip :) We got our dog the day we moved into our brand new house- so I fell your pain

Allison said...

"'she pooed' all over the new rug" - Love it! Have fun with your new puppy!