Sunday, November 2, 2008

Halloween Craziness!

Happy Halloween from the Martins!!!!

I don't think I have ever experienced a busier Halloween season! It was CRAZY but oh, so fun!!! We started the week at a Halloween Party at a friend's house. There was homemade rootbeer (BIG hit with the kids~all the "smoke" from the dry ice), caramel apples, spooky Aunt Edna (long story...just trust me...spooky!!), carving pumpkins (thank you Josh for taking so much time and effort to create the BEST jack-o-lantern EVER!!) and just having so much fun!!!!

Of course the kids had Halloween parties at school. I tried to go in and help as much as possible with that.

We also had the annual Preschool Parade downtown. One of my friends from the kids' school said she was jealous because she misses those little things from the younger kids' activities. I told her that is why you keep having kids - so you can keep doing all the fun stuff!!!! :) Blake was a cow this year for Halloween. We have been practicing for over a month now on what a cow says. For Blake, it is somewhere in between "moo" and "boo" - perfect for Halloween! He was a little shocked to see a BIG COW stand next to him at the parade! This is actually the first Halloween in a LONG time that we had to wear jackets at the parade!!! It was nice and crisp. Not hot and muggy! Blake and I had fun!!!!

Moo!!!!! His cow tail is the cutest thing about the costume! It sticks straight up when he crawls around. Thanks to my stupid camera and the flash not working, I couldn't get any pictures of that. Thanks Melissa for letting me borrow your camera at the party! I am going camera shopping this week!!!

After the parade and school parties, we went to the local library Spooktacular. All the kids had fun doing crafts, games, snacks and stories - except Blake who was just trapped in a stroller for 3 hours. Long day...but fun for the kids. Lucky for school the next day on Halloween.

On Halloween we went to our church for dinner. The kids decided they would rather do the traditional trick or treating this year versus trunk or treating at the church. Since this was my first year in 6 years not in charge of the Trunk or Treating, we decided to go with the flow.

After dinner, we went to a big carnival hosted by another church. It had a ton of jumpy things and slides, pony rides, hot dogs, funnel cakes, cotton candy and lots more. Then we went trick or treating on probably the busiest street in our town. It was fun but we'll stick to our church or neighborhood next year - more light and less people.


The Airharts said...

Ahhhh Amy-I have all your pictures on a cd sitting on my kitchen table-I am so mad that I forgot to bring them to church today! I will try and get them to your house tomorrow then you can add more of the pictures to your post-sorry-I agree-super busy week!!!

Amy and Josh said...

Thanks Melissa! You are awesome! Don't make a special trip out to my house - unless of course you are just dying to see me :).
I will get them sometime.

Kimmy said...

It looks like you had a fun Halloween! The kids all look so cute! Josh that mask is scary! EWWW!

contempoxian said...

Good times! I bet Halloween and Christmas and Easter are so fun with kids. Fun/ hectic.
My halloween looked more like the pic of Tyler falling asleep watching Transformers on Friday night. hahaha....