Sunday, November 30, 2008

We Are Thankful!

Who wouldn't be thankful for these beautiful kids?
This Thanksgiving was spent really enjoying time with each other as a family. No stress. No cooking..... We went to Golden Corral for a festive meal. My mom and dad were here and went with us. We didn't have to spend hours in the kitchen cooking and cleaning. We simply loaded up in the minivan and drove over to dinner. We ate lots of yummy things like turkey, ham, rolls (the BEST), pumpkin pie, green bean casserole, sweet potatoe casserole, banana pudding and much more. Well, I say "WE" but I mean the grown ups. My kids just ate pizza and mac and cheese. Whatever makes you happy on Thanksgiving!!!!
After dinner, we drove down to the river and had fun taking pictures.

Josh had a clever idea that we stand on some posts and be funny. My dad helped me up and held my hand for a second and that was fine. Then he backed away and I was flying solo on that 2 1/2 foot post. heehee This picture really has a funny story behind it - Josh and I were originally holding hands and that was fine but then he let go and said, "grab my foot". I started screaming, "I can't!!! I can't look down. I am going to fall!!!!" I was really terrified. I am still such a chicken!!! Good grief!

I am thankful my parents came to stay with us for a few days. When they come here, we don't have to share them with anyone else. With 4 of their own kids and 13 grandchildren, sharing is a must. So I am glad they were just ours for the weekend!!
I am also thankful that my dad got up at 4:30am on Black Friday to wait outside of Staples (that didn't open until 6am) with me. :) After getting really awesome deals (like this new laptop that I am using right now...finally a computer not from the stone age!!), we went home and traded shopping partners. He stayed home with my kids while Mom and I went shopping ALL day long. Talk about "shop until you drop"!!! After getting up so early, he took care of the kids for another 7 hours. Thanks DAD! And thanks for shopping with me Mom!!! Good times. AND thanks for going to work to "make the money" Josh!!!! I love you all!

Do you notice a theme with our attire?? Yes, it is Josh's favorite NFL team - Philadelphia Eagles. He has liked them since he was a kid. He is very loyal to his teams, whether they are having a good season or not. That's my Josh...loyal and true!!!!! Go Eagles!!!

I had a GREAT Thanksgiving letting someone else do the cooking, having fun with the family and shopping like a crazy person. Life IS good!!!!