Sunday, May 30, 2010

The Growing Garden

Our garden has really gotten off to a good start!
It's fun going out to check on our little project everyday. There is always something to do - weed, stake up the tomatoes, weed, water, stake up the tomatoes, weed, water and so on... We are thinking about expanding it next year, based on how well it goes this year. This is our "trial" year to check it out.

We were SO EXCITED to see this awesome squash!!! The kids were excited too! We all went out to the garden together to take pictures and then pick the goodies! We were able to pick one squash and one zucchini (what do you do when you have 3 children that want to pick the vegetables and only 2 veggies to pick!!??). I cut them up, rubbed them with olive oil, threw a little salt and pepper on them and grilled them. They were my birthday present to myself today!!! The whole family loved it and the Millers got to come over and share them with us too. (Yes, one squash and one zucchini went a long way!!)
After a little more digging around, we saw a cucumer. I didn't even know we planted cucumbers. Yah! A yummy salad treat! We'll let him keep growing for a while longer though. We also have lots of tomatoes that are working on ripening. They are going to be delicious (and good, as my kids would say!!) Now if we can only take care of the blossom rot problem!!! :)

Let the good garden times roll! (Look how big that corn is getting!!!)


More Hills on the horizon said...

Looks like fun. What a cool garden. Cant wait to come home and see it. Hope all is well and we send our love.

Carrie Dixon said...

Your garden looks FANTASTIC!!!! Way to go Millers and Martins!