I don't know how this happened but my baby turned 2 today!
Time goes by faster with each passing year!
Blake is such a joy to have in our family. I remember thinking for a while we were "done" having kids after #3. When we felt impressed to go for #4, I was so overwhelmed with the thought of having 4 kids. My pregnancy was good, the delivery was good (but crazy fast) and Blake has been such a good child since he was born. We have loved every minute of his little life! (well, most of them anyway!!)
Blake is really growing so fast! I guess he just watches all these other big kids in the house and wants to fit right in. In a way, it is really nice. In another way, not so nice because he is my last baby and I know these days are numbered and ticking away!
He is already sleeping in the bottom bunk bed. He does great staying in bed too! We haven't had to "lock" him in his room for coming out yet. (YET...) The only issue we have is when he decides it is okay to come out of his room at 5:30am. I have tried telling him that Mommy is still sleeping when it is dark outside and don't wake me up please. (yeah right) BUT a few days he has actually stayed out in the living room. One day last week I even saw him laying on the computer room floor by the dog crate - asleep! What a good listener!
He is also going to the potty pretty consistently. I have to admit that it is nice to not have to change so many stinky diapers!!! Oh yes!!!
Here is Blake trying to put up 2 fingers - which is harder than it looks!! We were so excited to get "Elmo Cupcakes" today at the store! He couldn't wait to get his hands on them!! We also found an adorable Elmo balloon! He loves it and came right in the door to show Bella. She growled at it for a while and then had fun playing with it today too!
Happy birthday! I really like your family picture at the top!
Happy, happy birthday little Blake!!! Hugs from the New York Martins. :)
Happy birthday Blake!
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