Monday, September 5, 2011

Tyler's Baptism and the Ouzts Get Together

We were so excited to have most of the Ouzts family (we missed Jason and Hannah!) come to our house in August for Tyler's baptism.  We tried to make the most of it and sneak a beach trip in the weekend as well.
There were some really awesome tidal pools at the beach.  The kids had a blast in those!  There were also many jellyfish in the water that day and they would also end up in the tidal pools.  Luckily, no one got stung!

 Uncle Danny was a good sport and let the kids bury him in the sand.  It was pretty fun.  I think he felt violated after it was all done!!  Love the goggles!!!
 After the beach, the kids came hom and jumped in the pool and on the trampoline!  That made for a lot less sand in the house!!!

 You should have seen all the Ouzts's packed into this house!  Have you seen my house?  It's not that big.  We fit 21 peeps up in this house.  They were EVERYWHERE!  But it worked!

 And of course Josh and I had our sanctuary in our room.  I know that isn't fair, but what can you do?

 Here are all the beautiful Ouzts cousins.  Grandma and Grandpa, you should be proud of this crew.
 The baptism was at 3:00 after church, August 7th.  Here is Josh and Tyler getting ready for the big moment.  I am so proud of Josh for being able to use the priesthood in our home and for our family. 
 Happy parents....
 And Grandparents...
 And a happy boy!!! 
We are so proud of our Tyler, who is growing so fast!


Carrie Dixon said...

I LOVE the pic of You, Josh and Tyler!!!