Sunday, February 28, 2010

Madison's Special Day

We are so proud of our Madison! She turned 8 this week and she was baptized this weekend. We had such a great weekend with our family visiting. It made the day even more special!
Here is Madison in her beautiful white dress (side note - $6 two years ago at JCPenny!! - I planned carefully!! :) ). Madison was truly blessed to have Dad baptize her.
Look how tall she is getting compared to Dad!!!! The time really flies!!

Her Primary leaders gave her a special CTR towel to use after her baptism. She really loved it! She was so filled with excitement that she had the chills before her baptism so it worked out really good for a blanket too! Thanks for the towel fantastic Primary leaders!!! :)
Madison's favorite part of her baptism was actually being baptized in the water - even though the water was FREEZING cold!!
It was such a special day with our friends and some of our family there (we missed everyone who couldn't be there!!).
We are very proud of Madison and her decision to be baptized. She is such a sweet little spirit that tries so hard to do what is right.
We love you Madison!


Carrie Dixon said...

She looked adorable! Sorry we couldnt make it :( Looks like you had a great turn out.

Stephanie Feller said...

Amy, your family is so cute! Your oldest daughter looks so much like you...What an amazing day!! My second daughter is getting baptized this year...thanks for putting this on facebook...I'll put your blog on my blog list to keep up with you guys!

Allison said...

Congrats Madison! You've made a great decision!

Cristy said...

Congratulations to sweet and spunky Miss Maddie!! Wish we could've been there to share your special day with you. HUGS!! - The NY Martins :)