Sunday, February 15, 2009


This is Blake's "cheesey" smile. He likes to show off for the camera these days. We all love it (and him)!
This blog is dedicated to Blake's cute shoes. I have wanted to do this for a while but just keep putting it off. So here goes....
It is so sad how fast babies grow...especially out of their cute clothes and shoes! I am not very sentimental about "stuff" but all these shoes on the blog were so cute and I was SO SAD to say goodbye to these little shoes.
These slippers were given to Blake from our friend Nicole. She actually gave them to me when I was pregnant with Blake. They have been really fun winter slippers on a cold day when Blake refuses to wear socks.

These shoes definitely have a story...they were picked out at the store by Josh. They reminded him of beloved Vans. Blake wore these shoes A LOT - play, home, church, wherever. I didn't even tell Josh when I passed these shoes on to someone else. Ssssshhhhhh!

These little shoes were really the first pair of shoes that Blake wore on a consistent basis. We got these at the end of summer (I didn't even bother putting shoes on him over the summer when he couldn't walk). So cute....

I love these baby crocs!!! Luckily he does have a similar pair that he can wear now. They are great little shoes for big and little kids!!!!!
There...I have finally finished the "shoe blog" that I have been wanting to do for months now.